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Combining Multiple Authorization Models

General Notes

Since Oak 1.4 it is possible to combine multiple authorization models within the default security setup.

The main entry point for the aggregation of multiple authorization models is the CompositeAuthorizationConfiguration, which is in charge of generating composite variants of the AccessControlManager, PermissionProvider and RestrictionProvider if multiple authorization modules have been configured (see section Implementation Details below.

Please note: Despite the fact that Oak supports the aggregation of multiple authorization models, this extension is only recommended for experts that have in-depth knowledge and understanding of Jackrabbit/Oak authorization concepts. Doing so might otherwise result in severe security issues and heavily impact overall performance.

API Extensions

There are two interfaces required to make a given authorization model deployable in an aggregated setup:

  • PolicyOwner: Extension to the AccessControlManager, that allows a given implementation to claim responsibility for handling certain AccessControlPolicy implementations.
  • AggregatedPermissionProvider: Subclass of PermissionProvider which is mandated for permission evaluation once multiple providers are configured.


Interface defining a single method, which allows to identify the AccessControlManager implementation responsible set or removing a given policy. AccessControlManagers deployed in a composite authorization setup are required to implement this interface if they choose to support setPolicy or removePolicy. Omitting the PolicyOwner interface will most likely result in a AccessControlException as no policy owner can be found for the given type of policy.


Extension of the PermissionProvider interface that allows a given provider to be deployed in a composite authorization setup. The additional methods allow the aggregating provider to identify if a given PermissionProvider can handle permission evaluation for a given set of permissions at a given path.


The permission provider shipped with the oak-authorization-cug module has a very limited scope: it only evaluates read-access to regular items at the configured supported paths. This means e.g. that the implementation is not able to determine if write access is granted to a given set of Principals and indicates this fact by just returning the subset of supported read permissions upon supportedPermissions(Tree, PropertyState, long). The aggregated permission provider will consequently not consult this implementation for the evaluation of write permissions and move on to other providers in the aggregate.

Implementation Details

As soon as multiple authorization models are configured with the security setup, the CompositeAuthorizationConfiguration will return a dedicated JackrabbitAccessControlManager and PermissionProvider that are wrapping the objects provided by the aggregated implementations.

Note: as long as a single authorization model is configured (default setup) the CompositeAuthorizationConfiguration will omit any extra wrapping.

Access Control

Once multiple modules are deployed a CompositeAccessControlManager with the following characteristics will be returned:

  • API calls reading information will return the combined result of the wrapped implementations.
  • Methods defined solely by JackrabbitAccessControlManager additionally test for the delegatees to implement that extension.
  • API calls writing back policies will look for the responsible PolicyOwner and specifically delegate the call. If no owner can be found an AccessControlException is thrown.

Hence, a given authorization model is free to implement JCR AccessControlManager or the Jackrabbit extension.

If a given model allows for writing access control policies, the access control manager implementation must additionally implement the PolicyOwner interface as explained in section API Extensions above.

Permission Evaluation

Only models implementing the AggregatedPermissionProvider extensions will be respected for aggregation into the CompositePermissionProvider. This allows individual models to cover only a subset of permissions and|or a subset of paths within the repository.

The composite wrapper subsequently applies the following logic to evaluate the effective permissions:

  • each delegatee is in ask to evaluate the subset of supported permissions if it claims responsible for the given item/path,
  • a delegatee that doesn’t handle any of the permissions in question it is ignored,
  • a delegatee that doesn’t claim responsible for the item/path is ignored,
  • a given set of permissions is ultimately granted for a given item/path, if all permissions have been successfully processed and none of the delegatees involved denied access.

This implies that evaluation of permissions across multiple implementations is strictly additive: as soon as one provider denies access (either by an explicit deny or by a missing explicit allow) permissions are denied.

Similarly, if a given combination of permission providers fails to process the complete set of permissions (e.g. one permission is not covered by any of the modules) the access will be denied as none of the provider was in charge of proper evaluation.

For a given permission provider this means: Calling the same method outside of the context of the aggregation (i.e. single model setup), a ‘limited’ provider must never grant access for permissions or items it isn’t able to handle properly. In other words: permissions that have not been explicitly granted within the scope of an implementation must be denied.

Restriction Management

Support for multiple restriction providers has already been been present with the default authorization implementation since Oak 1.0. The mechanism described in section Restriction Management is not affected by the new functionality.

The CompositeAuthorizationConfiguration is in charge of collecting the RestrictionProviders from the aggregated modules and expose the complete set of restrictions in order to meet the API contract.

Nevertheless, each authorization model is responsible for exposing, validating and evaluating the subset of restrictions it can handle through the access control API extensions and the permission evaluation, respectively. A given model may decide to provide no support for restrictions. Examples include modules that deal with different types of AccessControlPolicy where restriction management doesn’t apply (see for example oak-authorization-cug).


By default the CompositeAuthorizationConfiguration aggregates results by applying an AND operation to the current set of providers. This can be changed via configuration to an OR. See section Introduction to Oak Security for further details.


The following steps are required to plug an additional authorization model into the Oak repository:

  • Implement your custom AuthorizationConfiguration
  • Deploy the bundle containing the implementation
  • Bind your AuthorizationConfiguration to the SecurityProvider:
    • in an OSGi setup this is achieved by adding the configuration to the requiredServicePids property of the SecurityProviderRegistration (“Apache Jackrabbit Oak SecurityProvider”) i.e. forcing the recreation of the SecurityProvider.
    • in a non-OSGi setup this requires adding the configuration to the SecurityProvider (e.g. SecurityProviderImpl.bindAuthorizationConfiguration) and subsequently creating the JCR/Oak repository object.

Important Note
Despite the fact that Oak supports the aggregation of multiple authorization models, this extension is only recommended for experts that have in-depth knowledge and understanding of Jackrabbit/Oak authorization concepts. Doing so might otherwise result in severe security issues and heavily impact overall performance.