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Authorizable Node Name Generation


Oak 1.0 comes with a extension to the Jackrabbit user management API that allows to change the way how the name of an authorizable node is being generated.

As in Jackrabbit 2.x the target ID is used as name-hint by default. In order to prevent exposing identifier related information in the path of the authorizable node, it it’s desirable to change this default behavior by plugging a different implementation of the AuthorizableNodeName interface.

  • AuthorizableNodeName : Defines the generation of the authorizable node names in case the user management implementation stores user information in the repository.

In the default implementation the corresponding configuration parameter is PARAM_AUTHORIZABLE_NODE_NAME. The default name generator can be replace by installing an OSGi service that implementations the AuthorizableNodeName interface. In a non-OSGi setup the user configuration must be initialized with configuration parameters that provide the custom generator implementation.

AuthorizableNodeName API

The following public interfaces are provided by Oak in the package

The AuthorizableNodeName interface itself defines single method that allows to generate a valid JCR name for a given authorizable ID.

Changes wrt Jackrabbit 2.x

  • The generation of the node name is a configuration option of the default user management implementation.
  • In an OSGi-based setup the default can be changed at runtime by plugging a different implementation. E.g. the RandomAuthorizableNodeName component can easily be enabled by providing the required configuration.

Built-in AuthorizableAction Implementations

Oak 1.0 provides the following base implementations:

  • AuthorizableNodeName.Default: Backwards compatible implementation that uses the authorizable ID as name hint.
  • RandomAuthorizableNodeName: Generating a random JCR name (see


The default security setup as present with Oak 1.0 can be run with a custom RandomAuthorizableNodeName implementations.

In an OSGi setup the following steps are required in order to add a different implementation:

  • implement AuthorizableNodeName interface.
  • make the implementation an OSGi service and make it available to the Oak repository.
Example AuthorizableNodeName

In an OSGi-based setup it’s sufficient to make the service available to the repository in order to enable this custom node name generator.

@Service(value = {AuthorizableNodeName.class})
 * Custom implementation of the {@code AuthorizableNodeName} interface
 * that uses a uuid as authorizable node name.
final class UUIDNodeName implements AuthorizableNodeName {

    public String generateNodeName(@Nonnull String authorizableId) {
        return UUID.randomUUID().toString();

In a non-OSGi setup this custom name generator can be plugged by making it available to the user configuration as follows:

Map<String, Object> userParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
userParams.put(UserConstants.PARAM_AUTHORIZABLE_NODE_NAME, new UUIDNodeName());
ConfigurationParameters config =  ConfigurationParameters.of(ImmutableMap.of(UserConfiguration.NAME, ConfigurationParameters.of(userParams)));
SecurityProvider securityProvider = new SecurityProviderImpl(config));
Repository repo = new Jcr(new Oak()).with(securityProvider).createRepository();